Top 10 Offbeat destinations to visit in Northeast India

Now everyone who has #wanderlust in their Instagram bios can once more consider traveling. People are now interested in "revenge travel" after being confined to their houses for a year. If you have received all of your vaccinations, there is a potential that you will travel to some of Northeast India's less-traveled or unusual tourist locations. If you are a nature lover and appreciate outdoor activities, northeast India provides you a whole package, from camping to river rafting. Here is a list of 10 lesser-known places in Northeast India that you should visit if you're planning an action-packed vacation. Visitable places in Northeast India. 1. Meghalaya Natural Infinity Pool Mawten Village in Meghalaya is home to the Od Ringai Natural Pool. It takes approximately 112 hours to ascend to the peak of the Ur-Ringai Falls (also known as the Ghost Falling Falls), and another 2 hours to descend to the falls. You will fall in love with so many other locations, such as the H...